January 12, 2017

Foundations for Writing Stellar Outreach Emails

Foundations for Writing Stellar Outreach Emails | Mixmax

Mixmax is a communications platform that brings professional communication & email into the 21st century.

Cold outreach emails. Heard about em'?

If you haven't, you're in the right spot. If you have, then you may know email gives you a 2x higher ROI than cold calling, networking, or trade shows.

So why isn't everyone killing it with cold outreach emails? Sending cold outreach emails can be a daunting task and you need to know how to create effective emails that produce results.

Today, we're going to remove some of those barriers and help you build a solid foundation for stellar outreach emails.

7 Building Blocks

1. Lead with value

To start, think of your initial outreach email as a conversation starter. The quickest way to end up in the 'Deleted' folder, is by leading with by asking them to hop on a call or pitching your product. Instead, lead by offering them something that will help.

This can be a tipsheet, checklist, eBook... you get the gist. The key is to keep it short, sweet, and easy to digest.

Related Post: 8 Cold Email Strategies to 10x Your Response Rates

2. Keep it brief

You're busy and so are your recipients. Make your mark by providing value, and leave them with that in mind. Forget your long form pitch and focus on two things:

  1. Let them know why you're emailing them
  2. How what you're providing them will help

Evaluate every sentence, make sure it serves a useful purpose and cut the rest.

3. Be natural

You're a human, their a human, so act like one. Outreach emails shouldn't be filled with jargon-y fluff, they should sound natural and friendly.

Even if you're using a template (wink wink) make sure it sounds like a person is on the other side writing it. After all, people respond and buy from people they like.

4. Be honest

This is simple -- fluffy claims, name dropping people you don't know, or lying about something you share in common is a sure fire way to kill a conversation.

5. Keep it about them

The sooner you start talking about yourself or your company, the sooner they lose interest. Similar to lead with value, stick to helping them. That's it.

6. Include a call-to-action

This is the one ask in the email. State what you want to happen next.

A lot of people assume recipients know the next steps. Well we know what they say about assuming...

Tell them clearly what you'd like to happen next. Clearly.

7. Always follow up

On average it takes 5 follow ups to close a sale. Chalking up a non-response to "not interested" is the easy way out. If you want to close deals, take the road less traveled and follow up.

Related Post: 7 Tips to Make Follow-Up Emails More Effective


  1. Don't Include attachments -- they can be flagged by your friendly spam filter
  2. Don't ignore bounced emails -- they can bounce for a handful of reasons, find the reason and resend.

There you have it -- a rock solid foundation for your outreach emails.

By following these 7 steps (plus, 2 bonuses), you'll be in the 1% of professionals using outreach. These building blocks are the foundation of cold outreach success.

Let us know how it works out for you!

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