June 28, 2024

Gatewise Fixes Lag, Sequencing, and Data Sync Issues by Switching from Outreach & Groove to Mixmax

Gatewise Fixes Lag, Sequencing, and Data Sync Issues by Switching from Outreach & Groove to Mixmax

“The fact that Mixmax is not trying to divert people into a web application, and has built its functionality to ride on top of and within Gmail with nice touches like the slash command... I think it's one of the best things on the face of the planet.” - Jeffrey Lyons, Director of Sales at Gatewise.

About Gatewise

Gatewise offers an innovative access control solution for property managers that allows residents to open gates and doors using their smartphones. By integrating cutting-edge technology with everyday convenience, Gatewise aims to simplify access control for residential and commercial properties.


Challenges and objectives

When Jeff Lyons, Director of Sales at Gatewise, joined the company, they were using Outreach for their sales operations. However, the team faced several challenges:

🚫  Lacked a native Salesforce integration: Outreach’s complex field mapping caused confusion between Outreach activities and Salesforce records.

🚫  Data duplication: Storing data on Outreach's servers led to duplicate instances, complicating data management.

🚫  Poor integration with Gmail: Outreach required frequent use of its web app, disrupting workflows.

Jeff elaborated, "Outreach has a non-user-friendly field mapping functionality. It also likes storing all your data on its servers, so you're running a duplicate instance of your Salesforce."

Gatewise initially switched from Outreach to Groove, but new issues emerged, particularly after Groove was acquired. Jeff explains, "With Groove, we ran into a very foundational issue with sequencing, where people were not being removed from sequences based on activity. Once the illusion is broken on sequencing, you can't get it back."

Additionally, Groove's customer service deteriorated significantly post-contract signing. "Once we had cut them a check and were up and running, the signs that that company had been recently acquired became very obvious. They had previously been one of the best in the industry for support, but we ran into a nine-week ordeal where they could not fix our sequencing issues," Jeff recalls.

Performance issues aggravated the problem. "With Groove, I was constantly playing whack-a-mole, disabling all the extensions I use for other things because the performance was so awful. I had to refresh Gmail almost every single time I would go to compose something," Jeff noted. 

Frustrated, Jeff uninstalled Groove and installed Mixmax even while they were still paying for Groove. "I was running Mixmax solo for probably 45 days before I spoke to you guys about switching," he mentioned.


Mixmax provided a seamless solution, addressing Gatewise’s key requirements:

✅  Full accessibility within your inbox: Mixmax’s ability to function within Gmail improved workflow efficiency.

✅  No duplicate data: Mixmax didn’t act as a secondary CRM. The data between Salesforce and Mixmax synced perfectly without any duplicates.

✅  Reliable sequencing: Mixmax ensured sequences were correctly managed, preventing communication issues.

✅  Ease of use: Features like inline editing on dummy merge tags and the slash command in Gmail streamlined the user experience.

✅  Quick self-onboarding: Jeff highlighted that he self-onboarded Mixmax in just six minutes, demonstrating its user-friendly design.

"I want to live in Gmail. The fact that you're not trying to divert people into a web application, and have built your functionality to ride on top of and within Gmail with nice touches like the slash command... I use that all day long—I think it's one of the best things on the face of the planet. I also love that you allow inline editing on dummy merge tags within Gmail—it's such a no-brainer."


Results after switching to Mixmax

Since implementing Mixmax, Gatewise has seen significant improvements in their sales operations:

🟣  Cost savings: Mixmax offered Gatewise a financially attractive package. Jeff noted, "Mixmax was 30% less than what we were paying with Groove, and you also deferred our billing until our contract with them was up."

🟣  Increased productivity: Sales reps no longer experience lag or slowdowns, and the integration with Gmail means less time switching between tools.

🟣  Improved data accuracy: With no shadow CRM, all activities sync properly with Salesforce, ensuring clean and accurate data.

🟣  Enhanced support: Mixmax’s responsive customer support resolved issues promptly, ensuring smooth operations.

🟣  Better task management: The Mixmax reminder tool helps ensure no important follow-ups are missed, enhancing overall task management and efficiency.

"The performance [with Mixmax] has been outstanding. I experience no lag or slowdown whatsoever, no matter how many tabs I have open."


Book a call with a Mixmax pro

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Plus, our own teams use Mixmax, and our reps can share tips & tricks for you to maximize usage.

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