April 4, 2023

Introducing Mixmax Insights for Salesforce

Introducing Mixmax Insights for Salesforce | Mixmax

We’ve upped our measurement game, and as the saying goes, “what gets measured gets managed.” Let's dive into this month’s much-anticipated update: new Salesforce reporting metrics for your entire revenue team that are glorious and available out of the box.

🗺 Sales leaders, chart your course toward success

There are infinite ways to coach your team for improvement, but only your data can guide you toward more closed-won deals. Sales leaders can now see new and more comprehensive dashboard metrics, allowing you to precisely evaluate the outcomes generated by your team.

📈 Measure the team’s production in terms of meetings scheduled, calls, LinkedIn outreach, and emails sent over time.

📊 Effortlessly view and compare the number of activities completed and rank by activity type.

🏋🏽 Tie sales activities with revenue data and build your strategy for hitting quota.

Mixmax Insights

SDR leaderboard visualization

 Teams that don't track their targets daily are or how much progress they’ve made are putting their pipeline at risk. Pipeline generation is a top priority today, and it's no easy task in a tough market. SDRs should be strategic, focus on the right activities and add value at every touch point.

Now each team member can visualize their targets and progress. Friendly competition is a catalyst for performance in a results-oriented sales team.

SDRs can:

📈 Visualize the number of meetings scheduled, calls made, LinkedIn outreach, and emails sent over time.

📊 Easily gauge how they are standing at any given time.

🥇 Measure activities and production vs that of their peers, giving transparency to each rep and helping to foster a competitive environment.

Mixmax Insights SDRs


🏆 Sales & success performance dashboards

With this powerful new reporting view, sales leaders can give their teams the insight they need to achieve quota.

📈 Access your sales and success team's production metrics, such as calls, emails, meetings set, confirmed, and canceled.

🗂 Review a detailed history of contact activity with open opportunities, accounts, or contacts to ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

🙋‍♀️ Measure the number of created, qualified and new leads by rep.

Mixmax Inisghts Sales & Success

The Mixmax Insights package is only available for Enterprise and Growth + Salesforce customers.

 Did you know you can block entire domains for your team?

Reps don’t need to try to remember and remove individuals from their sequences anymore. We have introduced functionality to exclude domains on behalf of your entire team.

Mixmax admins can update the list for your team by going to Settings > Workspaces > Domain Unsubscribe

Domain UnsubscribeThese features are available on our Enterprise plan. Request a demo to speak with us and learn how your team can benefit today.


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