April 3, 2024

11 Sales Email Templates & Frameworks From Top Sales Pros

11 Sales Email Templates & Frameworks From Top Sales Pros | Mixmax

There is no magic recipe for a sales email. Even if you copy and paste the sales email examples shared below, it won't guarantee any replies.

You know what will increase your chances, though?

Taking these sales email examples and frameworks from the pros and making them your own. AKA doing thorough research on your target personas and personalizing your outreach as best you can.

These templates are guidelines ONLY. 

But the sales pros we got them from know what they're talking about. They're top sellers and carry a wealth of knowledge on all things sales.

If you don't follow them already, we've included links to their LinkedIn profiles to make it easier for you.

Okay, let's get right into it (scroll down).

P.S. If you prefer a PDF version of these templates that took us several hours (and lots of tears) to put together, here it is:

Sales email templates PDF banner (1)

11 Sales Email Templates & Frameworks From Top Sales Pros

Ghosting email template (by Jason Bay)

Subject lines: Did I lose you? / See below / [initiative] / [goal]

Hi [Name],

We talked last [month] about [what they wanted to do] to [result they wanted to drive].

Is this no longer a priority? Or did you find another solution?

[Your name]

👀 Example:

Subject line: On-prem to cloud/ARR

Hi Stephanie,

We talked last March about Acme’s priority to move customers from on-prem to the cloud/ARR model.

Two key drivers were helping AEs increase pipeline coverage from 3-5x and self-sourcing 40%+ of their pipeline.

Is this no longer a priority? Or did find another solution?



Breakup email template (by Leslie Venetz)

Subject line: This is fine

Hi [Name] - We never talked and that’s totally fine. Totally fine...

Thought you'd value [value prop]. If you want to chat more about it, just reply to this email.

[Insert GIF with Mixmax’s in-email GIPHY integration (available for Gmail users) or by copying & pasting.]

This Is Fine GIF

Educational content email template (by Leslie Venetz)

Subject line: Your infographic

Hi [Name] - Seems like [observation].

Here's an infographic (I still like them 😅) with [list relevant points].

What's at the top of your list?

[Insert PDF preview with Mixmax’s interactive PDF feature. Only available for Gmail users.]

PS. This infographic is in your LinkedIn InMail as well.

[Your Name]

Follow-up email template (by Florin Tatulea)

Subject line: [Same as your original thread]

Hi [Name],

Here's an example of the [relevant info] I mentioned above. Would this be helpful?

[Insert screenshot of your example here].

[Your Name]

Related post: 51 Follow Up Email Subject Line Examples for Revenue Teams


Proposal follow-up email template (The Mixmax team)

Subject: Incredible meeting! Here’s what’s next…

Hey [Name],

Yesterday’s meeting was awesome–thanks so much for sharing your team’s challenges around [X and Y].

As discussed, here’s how [product name] meets your requirements:

  • Challenge + solution #1
  • Challenge + solution #2

As a next step, I can set up custom onboarding for you and your team so you can explore features and functionality that are most beneficial to you ASAP.

I will draft the proposal and send it your way by [date].

Does that work for you?


[Your Name]


Re-engagement email template (by Jason Bay)

Subject: [name of project]

Hi [Name],

Our teams previously connected [timeframe] regarding the priority to [initiative].

[quantified problem].

[similar client] was in a similar situation and used our help to [achieve outcome].

Is this still a priority in [this year]? Or did you find a solution for this?

[Your Name]

👀 Example:

Subject: 12% cost-cutting initiative

Hi Scott,

Our teams connected last year regarding the priority to cut costs in the contact center by 12%.

60,000 email tickets were coming in every quarter at an estimated $1.3M to handle these tickets and respond accordingly.

ABC COMPANY was in a similar situation and used our help to reduce email volume and cost to serve by 25%+

Is this still a priority in 2023? Or did you find a solution for this?



Meeting confirmation email template (by Leslie Venetz)

Subject line: Upcoming meeting


I’m confirming our meeting on [day], [date], [time].

You told me that [priority 1] is top-of-mind for you. 

During the meeting, I will make sure to share a few ideas to support your priority.

Is that the most important priority for us to focus on during our call, or is there anything else you’d like me to come prepared to discuss?

[Your name]


Post-demo email template (by Jason Bay)

Subject lines

  • Follow Up — [your company] // [their company]
  • [name of project or priority] — [your company] // [their company]

Hi [Name],

Great meeting you today. Looking forward to our next call on ###.

Outcomes for our next call:

  • Align on [company name]’s key focuses:
    • Priorities: ###
    • Challenges: ###
    • Desired Outcomes: ###
    • Key Dates & Timelines: ###
  • Share work we've done with similar sales orgs. including [social proof]
  • Show how [our company] can support those initiatives and what an example program + pricing could look like

Additional resources:

  • Case studies & success stories
  • [insert helpful content]

Thank you,

[Your name]

Related post: The Ultimate Demo Follow-Up Email Guide (+ 7 Templates)

No-show email template (by the Mixmax team)

Subject line: Missed you 💔

Hi [Name]

Sorry you couldn’t make our meeting earlier. No hard feelings–I know how crazy work/life can get and I’ve missed a meeting (or three) myself.

I’m dropping my availability below if you want to reschedule. And I’m sharing a case study with [hyperlinked customer name] that aligns with your particular use case. 

They were able to [positive outcome] in just under [timeframe].

[Slash command + “cal” → Mixmax’s in-email calendar availability feature. Available for Gmail and Outlook users.]

Mixmax demo reschedule calendar example

Hope to chat soon!


Contract signature/cost-of-inaction email template (by Jen Allen-Knuth)

Subject line: [Action point] / [Objective] / [Outcome goal]

You’ve been an absolute hero working through contract review. I appreciate it’s a grueling process.

I was reflecting on the story you shared re: [cost of inaction].

If the team [proactive approach], the business would’ve reached [target/goal].

Have you hit an unexpected roadblock that will affect our plan to [improved outcome]?


👀 Example:

Subject line: Q2 forecast

You’ve been an absolute hero working through contract review. I appreciate it’s a grueling process.

I was reflecting on the story you shared re: the $5M of Q1 pipeline lost to status quo.

If the team converted just 25% of that, the business would’ve crossed Q1 target.

Have you hit an unexpected roadblock that will affect our plan to reduce that number in Q3?



Contract renewal follow-up email template (by the Mixmax team)

Subject line: [Your Company] - Confirming your upcoming renewal

Hi [Name],

Checking in on my previous note.  When you have a moment, please let me know where things stand with your [Your Company Name] renewal by voting in the poll below.  If there is anything you would like to discuss, it would be great to connect live or via this email.  Whatever works best for you.

[Slash command + “poll” → Mixmax’s in-email interactive poll feature.]

Intend to renew poll Mixmax

As a reminder, if we don't hear back from you before the opt-out date, your contract will auto-renew. 

Grab a time to chat here.



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