If you’re looking to automate parts of your sales processes, you’ve probably realized there’s no shortage of sales automation tools to choose from. So why not go ahead and automate the whole sales cycle?
Well, as a wise man once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”
When it comes to sales automation, quantity doesn’t equal quality. If it’s not done right, sales automation can end up worsening, not improving, the customer experience.
The trick is knowing where to draw the line.
Robots are great at many things human salespeople aren’t. Like tedious admin, logging interactions, tracking performance and analyzing data, to name just a few.
Empathy, listening to complex problems, and building the trust required for someone to actually buy from you? Yeah, not so much.
Successful sales automation is about hitting that sweet spot where humans and robots combine and complement each other to the best effect. That means building a tech stack that fits your needs and processes, and that your human salespeople will actually use.
We know all about sales sweet spots as our top-performing humans spend hours listening to our customers and designing solutions to help them.
We asked them to pick their top 10 tools to play on a human-robot sales dream team and share them with you.