October 15, 2024

Turn Website Visitors Into Warm Leads with RB2B and Mixmax

Turn Website Visitors Into Warm Leads with RB2B and Mixmax

Picture this: Your marketing team has worked hard to attract visitors to your website, but many of them browse anonymously, leaving you wondering who they are and how you can engage them. 

What if you could easily identify these visitors, know which page(s) they’re visiting, gain access to their LinkedIn profiles, and reach out in a personalized way—without lifting a finger?

Good news! That’s exactly what our new integration with RB2B does for you.


What does the Mixmax + RB2B integration do?

RB2B is a game-changing tool for sales development reps (SDRs) and full-cycle Account Executives (AEs). It identifies anonymous U.S.-based website visitors, digs up their LinkedIn profiles, and sends them to your team in Slack. 

The magic doesn’t stop there. 

With our new RB2B and Mixmax integration, you can automatically filter these visitors (by LinkedIn title, industry, pages visited, etc.) and seamlessly add them to the right sales sequences, setting the stage for warm outbound.

This means no more guessing who’s checking out your site. Now you’ll know exactly who they are—and you’ll be able to connect with them on the spot.

This is what signal-led sales is all about.

How does it work?

The process is as smooth as your favorite morning coffee. Once you set up the RB2B integration with Mixmax, here’s how it goes:

  1. Identify visitors: RB2B identifies anonymous U.S. visitors on your website and matches them with their LinkedIn profiles.
  2. Real-time alerts: You get notified instantly in Slack with the visitor's LinkedIn profile and key details (as shown below).
  3. Smart filtering: Use the Mixmax integration to filter visitors by LinkedIn title, industry, specific page visited, etc., so you’re only focusing on the most relevant leads.
  4. Personalized sequences: Automatically add these leads to relevant email or multichannel sequences, making sure your outreach is timely and tailored.

That’s a sales process working on autopilot while you focus on bigger deals or, you know, finally catching up on your inbox.

Automate the process with Mixmax rules & RB2B data

To make things even easier, once the RB2B integration is enabled, you can set up Mixmax Rules to automatically add website visitors to your sequences without lifting a finger.

Here’s a quick guide to setting it up:

  1. Head to the Rules page in Mixmax and select "+ New Rule."
  2. Choose RB2B as the Rule Trigger.
  3. Configure your filters to ensure only the most relevant website visitors are added to your sequences (e.g., by LinkedIn title, industry, page visited).
  4. Finally, select the Sequence action to automatically drop these visitors into the right sequence, and activate the rule.

RB2B-GIF (1) (1)This automation streamlines the process, ensuring that no valuable website visitor goes unnoticed—and you don’t have to waste time manually adding them to your outreach.

Leverage RB2B variables in your sequences

Even better, RB2B data can be used directly in your email sequences. Imagine crafting a highly personalized message using the visitor’s LinkedIn details or industry—automatically!

Here’s how to add RB2B data as variables in your sequences:

  1. While editing your sequence stage, select the Insert Variable option.
  2. Choose from the RB2B data variables (e.g., LinkedIn profile, job title) that will automatically populate based on RB2B's data retrieval.

This makes your outreach even more customized and engaging, giving you the edge when it comes to warm outbound and building meaningful connections with potential leads.

Related article: 7 Sales Email Sequence Examples to Help You Close More Deals

Why does this matter?

Sales is all about timing. If someone is checking out your website, there’s already interest brewing. Reaching out in the moment, when your brand is fresh in their mind, can make all the difference between a cold lead and a hot opportunity.

With the Mixmax + RB2B integration, you’re no longer leaving these moments to chance. You’re seizing every opportunity as it happens, making sure no potential lead slips through the cracks.

This is the heart of signal-led sales—capturing the right signals at the right time to drive engagement.

7 real-world use cases: From visitors to pipeline

Let’s talk practical examples. Imagine you’re an SDR at a B2B SaaS company:

  • 1: Competitor page visitors: Let’s say a potential customer is researching your product and checks out your “You vs. Competitor” page. With RB2B + Mixmax, you can instantly identify that visitor and automatically drop them into a personalized “You vs. Competitor” sequence (or one-off email). You can tailor the message to address the most common concerns customers have when choosing between you and a competitor, positioning your solution as a (potentially) better fit.

  • 2: Industry filtering: Say your product serves the healthcare industry. With the Mixmax + RB2B integration, you can set up filters to automatically capture website visitors working in healthcare and drop them into a custom sequence with messaging specifically designed for that audience.

  • 3: Pricing page visitors: When someone checks out your pricing page, you know they’re serious about evaluating your product. With RB2B, you can instantly add them to a sequence that offers additional information, like a custom demo or a limited-time discount, to nudge them further down the sales funnel. This is an ideal opportunity to personalize outreach, addressing potential objections about price.

  • 4: Title targeting: You only want to focus on decision-makers like CEOs or VP-level execs. The integration lets you filter out visitors by title and instantly plug them into sequences that cater to high-level conversations.

  • 5: Case study page visitors: If a visitor lands on your case studies page, they’re likely looking for proof of success from customers like them. With RB2B, you can quickly identify these visitors and automatically place them in a sequence that shares more relevant case studies, testimonials, or customer stories from their industry or role. This helps you connect the dots between their needs and how your product has already solved similar challenges for others.

  • 6: Blog post readers: Someone browsing your blog shows interest in learning more about your solution, especially if they’re reading articles related to pain points your product solves. When RB2B identifies a blog visitor, you can place them into a nurturing sequence that delivers more educational content, product insights, or invitations to join a webinar, gradually building their interest in your offering.

  • 7: Product feature page visitors: Let’s say a visitor is exploring a certain feature on your website, like automation tools or integrations. With RB2B, you can identify them and add them to a targeted sequence that dives deeper into that specific feature, guides or success stories of how that feature has helped other customers. This allows you to tailor your messaging to their specific interest and move them further down the sales funnel.

This smart targeting boosts your chances of engaging with the right people at the right time—without wasting time on manual research or irrelevant prospects.

Next steps: Ready to turn website traffic into opportunities?

If you’re ready to transform your anonymous website visitors into actionable leads, give our new Mixmax + RB2B integration a try. It’s easy to set up, and the results are almost immediate—faster lead identification, more personalized outreach, and ultimately, a stronger sales pipeline.

Curious to learn more? Visit our integration page for additional details and setup instructions. Let’s make sure no lead goes unnoticed.

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