Drive more revenue, faster

Save time and focus on what matters–generating pipeline, closing deals, and engaging customers.

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sales creation dashboard

Build more pipeline

Reach prospects and customers with personalized messages on channels where they spend most of their time. Combine emails, calls, LinkedIn touchpoints, and tasks to ensure you’re not leaving revenue on the table.

Use real personalization

Add a personal touch by customizing any email within a sequence with a message just for that individual. No need to edit the whole sequence to add a customized message per recipient. 

personalization at scale

Increase reply rates with Polls and Surveys

Getting ghosted? Prompt a quick reply by embedding polls so prospects or customers can respond with one click. Trigger automated follow-ups or Salesforce updates based on poll answers.

Get alerts about prospect activity in real-time

Ensure you never miss a follow-up and no deal falls through the cracks. When prospects engage with your emails, create alerts via Slack or email, or automate call tasks to take action.


sales engagement email tracking
Sales messaging with AI

Turbocharge content creation with AI Compose

Create content faster with a writing assistant that can generate quality emails and subject lines in seconds. Save time writing to focus on other aspects of your pipeline. 

Use SMS to speed up your deals

Don't rely on single-channel outreach. Contact customers and prospects and generate faster responses with 100% personalized SMS messages.  Confirm next steps, respond to quick questions, and keep deals moving through your pipeline.

SMS sales channel mixmax
sales dialer

Initiate one-click dials directly from your inbox

Use Mixmax Dialer to initiate calls quickly from your inbox or Salesforce. Call recordings are automatically logged to Salesforce under the contact. Integrate with Gong for conversational intelligence.

Turn reps into productive powerhouses

Track and manage all of your tasks without leaving your inbox. Cycle through email and phone tasks quickly–whether your tasks live in Mixmax or Salesforce.


Improve collaboration and coaching

Start a private chat conversation about any email with Sidechat. Add collaborators to view all replies and forwards while being invisible to external recipients. Keep your team in the loop, share ideas, or provide coaching in real-time– without having to forward the email.

Stand out in the inbox

Boost clicks and replies with visual, interactive emails. Quickly insert Giphys, polls, or calendar availability. Watch web links turn into beautiful previews that prospects want to click.

giphy embed in email

Save hours with email templates

Writing the same email again and again? Turn your most effective emails into time-saving templates that you can quickly embed into any email. Share top-performing templates with your team to boost collaboration and results.

Cut down on context-switching

Launch Mixmax Sidebar to access or update prospect information. Craft the perfect message using social & CRM insights about the person you're emailing, or update Salesforce records without leaving your inbox.

sales engagement insights
We see an 85% open rate on our outbound email sequences and a 40% reply rate to those cold sequences. Outbound accounts for 30% of our signups right now. We can directly attribute that to Mixmax. 
Sam Blond
Sam Blond Chief Sales Officer, Brex

Build a winning revenue process

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winning sales process