Email tracking

Get notified and take action when prospects engage with your emails. Set up Slack alerts, email notifications, or call tasks.

  • Get alerts about prospect activity in real-time
  • Ensure you never miss a follow-up and no deal falls through the cracks
  • Know which content is generating clicks and downloads

  • Request a demo
  • Get started free
Email tracking
Maximize prospecting efficiency

Prioritize your time on highly engaged contacts

Work smarter by starting your daily outreach with your most engaged contacts. Sort contacts based on their engagement score and view their last touchpoint to personalize your outreach.

Get smart notifications about prospect activity

Ensure you never miss a follow-up and no deal falls through the cracks. Use AI-powered smart notifications to be alerted the minute prospects are highly engaged with your content.

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Track activity without leaving your inbox

See who is engaging with your emails without leaving your inbox. Pull up the Mixmax Sidebar to see a live feed of opens, replies and other insights.

Take action at the right time with tasks

Automatically create tasks to engage prospects when they’re most responsive. Manage your to-dos, manual emails, call tasks, and LinkedIn connections—all without leaving your inbox.

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use case close deals 2

Never miss an opportunity

Customize rules to trigger alerts, sequence enrollment or automated follow-ups based on the real-time activity of your email content.

Save time and increase email engagement

Turn your most effective emails into time-saving templates with case study content, customer quotes or ROI calculators. Embed interactive polls, surveys, and CTA buttons directly within your emails to stand out, improve response rates, and track what interests your recipients the most. 

use case close deals (1)
Mixmax helped our sales and business development teams increase pipeline generation by 576% year over year. We're always updating our sequences, always seeing what's working and what's not. With Mixmax, we can keep evolving our approach.


Federico Dominquez
Federico Dominquez Sales Operations Director
I’ve seen teams that have AEs on one tool, SDRs on a more complex tool, and account managers just using regular email. Having the same tool for all revenue teams not only promotes collaboration but also ensures we are all on the same page.


Chris Flores
Chris Flores VP of Marketing
Mixmax has been a force multiplier for our business. Not only have we been able to expand the number of people we’ve been able to contact, we’ve also tripled the number of meetings booked in the past quarter since implementation.


Morgan Joseph
Morgan Joseph Head of Marketing

Build a winning
revenue process

  • Request a demo
  • Get started free
revenue team success